...that the barcode stated on the brochure will directly lead you to our homepage. Here you will find relevant specification documents in formats as word or pdf as well as all corresponding technical drawings for download. Our picture gallery will facilitate choosing the right wall protection type.
...that the heights stated in the specification documents are only an reference value. Our wall protection system can be produced from 200mm up to ceiling-high.
...that we would recommend to state the direction of grain either horizontal or vertical for the design of the décor finish. During cutting, the board cannot be moved regarding its finish. This fact can result in significant price differences in unfavorable cases. In general, a vertical décor finish of wall protection is more favorable than a horizontal décor.
...that in general a symmetric arrangement is not planned.
...that there are three versions of arrangements.
...that a vapor barrier has to be applied to the wall on areas which show more than 1% wall humidity.
...that as a standard the building material class D-s1,d0 according DIN EN 13501-1 is offered, unless otherwise specified.
...that the building material class B-s1,d0 is still the one which is most often tendered for corridors. There is no concern when it is applied from the floor up to the height of the handrail within a fire protection concept. Source: Hessian Ministry of the Interior and Sport State.
...that regarding this systems no system change has to be effected if you would like to change the building material class from A2-s1,d0 to B-s1,d0 or even D-s1,d0 due to cost saving reasons.
...that there are no regulations according to DIN EN 13501-1 for the fixation of handrails or height of skirting protection using dowels or screws for fire resistance class. This matter can be compared to cable outlets made of plastics such as cavity sockets in F30 and F90 walls as sockets or light switches. Cable outlets made of plastics can even be installed to F30 and F90 walls according to DIN EN 13501-1. The only requirement is that outlets have to be offset to both sides of the wall. The technical approval of the wall by the building authority is not affected. There is no approval required for dowels neither made of metal nor plastics which are used in dry constructions.
...that no traverses are required for the wall protection system in two-layer dry constructions as there is no lever action.
...that newly-built solid walls could show a wall humidity of more than 8% even after two years of construction. That external walls dry more quickly than interior walls. That a drywall construction has no building moisture as a rule. That facing formwork also emits humidity due to behind installed solid walls as solid wall.
...that a moisture measuring should always be effected even in the case of old buildings. That using a non-destructive measurement technology (wall contact or probe) only the drying process can be monitored however the actual wall humidity cannot be detected. In order to measure the actual wall microclimate it is necessary to drill a hole in the wall.
...that HPL boards are derived timber products and have approximately 70% cellulose content. Therefore, those boards are affected by humidity and are subject to dish.
...that no moisture barrier is required for boards with a mineral carrier (gypsum or cement). Those boards are not subject to dish. However, the assembly has to be effected free of constraint forces as the boards may extend.
...that no individual authorization or agreement in the individual case is required while considering the following if you have a drywall construction with an integrated wall protection system type 25, 27 or 29 and a wall protection board replaces the second sheet of drywall. Plan your drywall construction with GKF board according to DIN 18180.
Therefore, the required fire resistance class F30 or F90 is already achieved using one layer less and offers a larger choice of systems. The GKF cost only a little more as usual GKB boards. Any manufacturer of drywall construction systems has a technical approval for this purpose. You will find texts for invitation to tender of Knauf, Rigips, Lafarge and Siniat under technology or also as download on our homepage. As in general corridor walls are concerned, a further A2-s1,d0 to DIN EN 13501-1 compact board of Thermopal or Fundermax with a technical approval is used as wall protection board and you achieve an appropriate product which is no subject to further approvals.